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Taoiseach | Special meeting of the European Council


To ask the Taoiseach to report on his attendance at the recent special meeting of the European Council.


I attended a Special European Council meeting in Brussels on the 17/18 April.

Over a working dinner we discussed a range of international issues including Ukraine, the Middle East, and the EU’s relations with Türkiye. President Zelenskyy of Ukraine joined by video link.

On 18 April, we had a comprehensive discussion on Europe’s competitiveness and the need to reinvigorate the Single Market.

On Ukraine, we reiterated our full and unwavering support for Ukraine, its people and territorial sovereignty.

We condemned Russia’s continued attacks against Ukrainian civilians and critical infrastructure, particularly the targeting of the energy sector.

We discussed the current security situation, including the urgent need for air defence systems to protect Ukraine’s cities and infrastructure, and the need to accelerate delivery of military, humanitarian, and civil assistance. 

On the Middle East, the European Council condemned Iran’s attack on Israel, calling on Iran to completely cease all attacks.
We urged all parties to exercise restraint and to avoid any escalation of conflict in the region. We also agreed to impose further sanctions on Iran.

On Gaza, leaders reaffirmed our commitment to work with partners to end the crisis and to reach an immediate ceasefire, to secure the unconditional release of all hostages and to provide unhindered humanitarian aid.

We reiterated our support for a two-state solution. In that context, I set out Ireland’s intention to recognise the state of Palestine at the right time.

The European Council expressed its determination to support the most vulnerable in Lebanon and to assist in combatting human trafficking and smuggling.

In our strategic debate on relations with Türkiye, we acknowledged that the EU has a strategic interest in maintaining a secure and stable environment in the Eastern Mediterranean. We also emphasised the importance of progress on the Cyprus settlement talks within the UN framework.

On the second day of our meeting, former Italian Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, presented his recent report on the future of the Single Market.

On agriculture, leaders acknowledged the importance of the sector and its key role in food security and the EUs strategic autonomy.

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