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Taoiseach | Cabinet Committee on Social Affairs and Public Services

To ask the Taoiseach when the Cabinet Committee on Social Affairs and Public Services will meet next.

A Cheann Comhairle, molaim Ceisteanna a haon go dtí a hocht a thógáil le chéile.

Déanann an Coiste Comh-Aireachta um Ghnóthaí Sóisialta agus Seirbhísí Poiblí maoirsiú ar chur i bhfeidhm ghealltanais an Chlár don Rialtas i réimsí an bheartais shóisialta agus na seirbhísí poiblí.

Clúdaíonn an Coiste raon ábhar, le béim áirithe ar chomhionannas agus athchóiriú ar an tseirbhís phoiblí.  

Mar aon leis sin, tá Coiste Comh-Aireachta ar an Fhreagairt Dhaonnúil don Úcráin.  Déanann sé maoirsiú ar fhreagairt dhaonnúil an Rialtais do dhaoine a bhfuil cosaint shealadach á lorg acu anseo ón Úcráin.  

Other topics covered by the Cabinet Committee on Social Affairs and Public Services include sport, social protection, arts and culture. It also covers justice issues such as policing reform, community safety, domestic sexual and gender-based violence.

The Committee met on six occasions last year. Amongst other items, the Committee discussed the proposed referendums on gender equality and implementation of the Third Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence Strategy.  

The Cabinet Committee on Social Affairs and Public Services last met on 20 November and will continue to meet in the period ahead.

In addition to meetings of the Cabinet Committee, I have regular engagements with Ministers at cabinet and individually to discuss issues relating to their Departments.

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