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Taoiseach | Recent Discussions with British PM

To ask the Taoiseach the extent of any discussions he has any with the British Prime Minister following their recent meeting.

A Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions 17 to 24 together.

The return of the power-sharing Executive and the Northern Ireland Assembly is hugely welcome, and I was very pleased to travel to Stormont on 5 February to meet with the new First and deputy First Ministers, and with the other members of the Executive Committee of Ministers.

While in Belfast, I met with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. I acknowledged his efforts and those of his team in concluding the talks to achieve restoration.

We discussed and agreed on the importance now of ensuring that all the strands of the Good Friday Agreement are functioning fully and to the benefit of all.  

We had also spoken by phone on 30 January about the prospects for restoration of the power-sharing institutions in Northern Ireland at that time and touched on the inter-State case which Ireland has taken to the European Court of Human Rights in relation to the UK Legacy Act 2023.

We acknowledged our differences on this issue but welcomed the ongoing strength of our bilateral relationship in other areas.

In my meeting with the new First and deputy First Ministers, I confirmed that the Government was keen to work with them and to further North South cooperation wherever possible and practical.

I also met with the Executive as a whole, where I congratulated them and stressed the Government’s desire for their work to be successful.

A common theme across the meetings was the importance of communication, building relationships across the island and the benefits of working together in areas of concern.

I was also very pleased to be welcomed to Parliament Buildings by the new Speaker, Edwin Poots, and to take the opportunity to meet with members of the SDLP, who have assumed the role of official opposition within the Assembly.

The Government will engage proactively and constructively with the institutions, and I look forward to seeing the positive results of restoration for the people of Northern Ireland. I also look forward to an early meeting of the North South Ministerial Council.

I also look forward to the next British-Irish Council Summit which will be hosted by the Isle of Man Government and is due to take place in June.

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