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Taoiseach | Cabinet Committee on Housing

To ask the Taoiseach when the Cabinet Committee on Housing will meet next.

A Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take questions 13 to 23 together.

The Cabinet Committee on Housing met yesterday.

This Committee works to ensure a coordinated approach to the implementation of Housing for All and Programme for Government commitments regarding housing and related matters.

Our latest update on progress achieved under Housing for All was published last week.

Despite considerable challenges in the external environment, we are making real progress with new homes and apartments being built all over the country.

Last week, data released by the CSO confirmed that more houses were built last year than any year since 2008. With over 32,000 new homes, our target for 2023 has been well exceeded.

We are confident that this strong momentum will continue, with building having started on almost 33,000 new homes last year, up 20% on the previous year. Planning permission data also indicates a strong pipeline, with permission granted for over 37,600 new homes in the year to the end of September 2023.

The affordability initiatives under Housing for All are having a real impact on helping people to achieve home ownership, with 500 first time buyers or couples drawing down their mortgage each week – the highest since 2007.

Almost 2,500 couples and individuals availed of the First Home Scheme in 2023, while in the eleven months to end November almost 7,000 claimed Help to Buy to assist with the deposit needed to purchase or self-build a new home. These schemes will assist thousands more to buy this year.

We are also seeing the benefit of recent measures to bring even more vacant and derelict homes back into use with just over 3,000 Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant applications approved in 2023.

On State lands, building started on a number of sites during the final months of 2023. This includes almost 2,000 new homes on Dublin City Council sites and over 200 new social and affordable homes at the former Devoy Barracks in Naas.

We are also committed to improving the rental market by providing greater security, affordability and viability to both tenants and landlords into the future.

In addition to the increased Rent Tax Credit, recent measures to bring about more homes to rent include further reform of the Fair Deal Scheme and the Government’s new policy to develop student accommodation.  

Housing for All is working. We are building more homes and will continue to maintain this strong momentum into 2024 and beyond.

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