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Foreign Affairs | Values of the Good Friday Agreement


To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs the extent to which he continues to explore and promote the values of the Good Friday Agreement with authorities and voluntary groups in Northern Ireland.


The values and framework of the Good Friday Agreement, across its three Strands, are the foundation on which relationships across these islands are built, within Northern Ireland (Strand One), on this island (Strand Two), and East West (Strand Three).

The Agreement directly informs how the two Governments engage on a range of policy issues, in particular at this time the urgent need to restore the Strand One and Strand Two institutions to enable the full and effective implementation and operation of the Agreement across all three Strands.

In the Agreement, the parties, including the two Governments, affirmed their commitment to the mutual respect of the civil rights and the religious liberties of everyone in the community.  This included the right to seek constitutional change by peaceful and legitimate means, the right to freedom from sectarian harassment and the right to equal opportunity for all.  The strengthened protection of human rights in both jurisdictions set out in the Agreement was and continues to be a guarantee for the different traditions on the island of Ireland.

It is a matter of great regret that, twenty-five years on from the Agreement being signed, its institutions are not being allowed to deliver to their full capacity for the benefit of the people of this island. As co-guarantor of the Agreement, the Government take seriously our responsibility to proactively engage with all partners to resolve this situation.

The people of Northern Ireland are entitled to a functioning Assembly and Executive. In recent weeks we have seen cuts to services that will affect the most vulnerable. Local leadership is required to address these challenges. I spoke with political representatives in Northern Ireland last week and reiterated the urgent need for a restoration of the power-sharing institutions.

I am also in regular contact with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on this issue. I met with him on 16 May and will meet him again in the coming weeks at the British Irish Council and at the British Irish Intergovernmental Conference. At every meeting I also reiterate the Irish Government’s continuing opposition to the British government’s Legacy Bill.

I and my officials are in regular contact with community and civil society organisations in Northern Ireland. Last week I met with East Belfast GAA and the Museum of Orange Heritage to hear about the valuable work that they do in their communities. My Department also continues to support through the Reconciliation Fund, and through the new Shared Island Civic Society Fund, a wide variety of community and civil society organisations working to advance the shared, reconciled society promised by the Good Friday Agreement.  
We will continue to seek way and opportunities to work with all communities, and with a new Executive, to harness the power of what we can achieve when we work together and to build consensus around our shared future, underpinned by the Good Friday Agreement.

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