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Foreign Affairs | Interactions with authorities in Northern Ireland

QUESTION To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs the extent to which he expects to be in a position to interact with the authorities in Northern Ireland post-local elections  to the benefit of people and economies North and South.REPLY

I remain in regular contact with political representatives in Northern Ireland, reiterating the urgent need for a functioning Assembly and Executive. While in Belfast last week I spoke with the main political parties. It is clear that there is a genuine desire to get the Executive back up and running, although differences of perspectives between parties.  I believe there is a window of opportunity following the local elections to restore of the Executive and the Assembly and I urge members of all parties to take their seats so that the issues facing Northern Ireland can be addressed. People in Northern Ireland deserve to be represented by the politicians that they elected in May 2022.

The absence of a functioning Executive also has knock-on affects on the operation of Strand Two of the Agreement. In the absence of regular NSMC meetings, the two Administrations on the island are not having the important conversations that we should be having to address shared challenges and opportunities that impact people and economies North and South. It is vital that the Council is allowed to continue its work as soon as possible.

The Government wants to see the island of Ireland prosper. Increased economic prosperity, North or South, benefits us all. Our closely integrated all-island economy is one of the key dividends of the peace process and remains a priority. The Government will continue to work to create an enabling environment for businesses, North and South, to grow cross-border trade and further unlock the potential of the all-island economy.

I am also in regular contact with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.  We spoke by phone on Monday last, following on our meetings in Banbridge on 25 May and in Dublin on 16 May. In my recent contacts with the Secretary of State we spoke about the urgent need to restore the Northern Ireland political institutions, as well as other issues including the UK Legacy Bill.  I will meet with the Secretary of State later today at the BIC in Jersey and again next week at the BIIGC in London.

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