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Foreign Affairs | Contributions to the Good Friday Agreement


* To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the context of North South Cooperation and mindful of the need to make a contribution to the Good Friday Agreement, the number of major and minor projects likely to be helpful and achievable in the short and medium-term under the guise of the mission statement of his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

– Bernard J. Durkan T.D.

For WRITTEN answer on Thursday, 15 June, 2023.

* To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the context of North South Cooperation and mindful of the need to make a contribution to the Good Friday Agreement, the number of major and minor projects likely to be helpful and achievable in the short and medium-term under the guise of the mission statement of his Department.

– Bernard J. Durkan T.D.

For WRITTEN answer on Thursday, 15 June, 2023.


Last month, my Department published its new Statement of Strategy, which focuses on how the Department will seek to implement commitments set out in the Programme for Government to meet international challenges between 2023 and 2025. Among the goals set out in our Statement of Strategy is supporting peace and reconciliation at home, with a pledge to deepen North South cooperation and encourage the building of active cross-border links.

Strand Two of the Good Friday Agreement provided for the establishment of the North South Ministerial Council to develop consultation, cooperation, and action within the island of Ireland on matters of mutual interest within the competence of the Administrations. It also provided for the establishment of North South Implementation Bodies to progress North South cooperation in agreed areas.

The Council and the Bodies are the formal means through which the Government develops and advances North South projects. We remain firmly committed working collaboratively with our counterparts in Northern Ireland, through the North South Ministerial Council, and supporting the work of the North South Bodies, to ensure that the North South institutions can achieve their full potential.

Unfortunately, ongoing disruption to the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement, including the North South Ministerial Council, has complicated our ability to progress a number of important North South projects.

It is therefore crucial that the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement are allowed to resume their work without further delay. This will allow us to move ahead with new and existing North South projects, to create a more connected, sustainable, and prosperous island for all communities.

I established the Shared Island Fund in 2020 to work with all communities to build a vision for our shared future, underpinned by the Good Friday Agreement. The Shared Island Initiative is a whole-of-Government endeavour and a priority for my Department.

Over the past two years, we have taken forward this ambitious agenda by progressing a range of North South projects, bringing all communities together through our Shared Island Dialogue series, and delivering a comprehensive research programme to inform inclusive dialogue on the future of our island.

The Shared Island Fund is progressing the delivery of major and long-term North South infrastructure projects, such as the restoration of the Ulster Canal and the construction of the Narrow Water Bridge, but is also supporting a number of smaller scale innovative all-island programmes.

This includes the Shared Island Civic Society Fund, which is being administered by my Department, with €3 million allocated to support the emergence of new cross-border civic projects, complement work already taking place on a North South basis, and help civic society organisations to establish new strategic links.  

I look forward to continuing to work with my Government colleagues and with our partners in Northern Ireland and Great Britain to develop new North South projects, including through the Shared Island Initiative, in the period ahead.

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