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Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science | The extent to which he continues to identify and meet the demand in the workplace, through the higher education sector, with particular reference to identification of the areas now most urgently requiring employees


To ask the Minister for Further and Higher Education; Research; Innovation and Science the extent to which he continues to identify and meet the demand in the workplace, through the higher education sector, with particular reference to identification of the areas now most urgently requiring employees; his views on whether a sufficient supply of appropriately qualified graduates continues to be available to meet those demands; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


The tertiary education system plays a central role in ensuring that our graduates from higher education, further education and training, and from apprenticeship are equipped with the essential vocational, professional and transversal skills and competencies that will equip them for success in work. 

The agility and flexibility of the tertiary system is underscored by responsiveness to priority industry and enterprise workforce needs under key policy initiatives that require whole-of-government efforts and collaboration. Those concerted efforts aim to improve balance between skills demand and supply.

As the Deputy may be aware, my Department has made significant progress since its establishment to increase the number of places on higher education programmes in areas of acute skills needs and this work is still ongoing. There has been significant investment in additional provision across multiple programmes and disciplines, including landmark agreements for additionality in Medicine and other healthcare disciplines both in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

In terms of construction skills, my Department works with partners such as SOLAS, the National Construction Training Campus, Education and Training Boards and professional representative bodies to address supply. There is a significant expansion of relevant courses, including apprenticeships, as well as the development of new provision to address innovations such as modern methods of construction.

It is a key priority for me to continue this important work with my cabinet colleagues to meet the workforce demands across many sectors.

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