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Environment, Climate and Communications | National waste management plan and reduction, reuse and recycle


To ask the Minister for the Environment; Climate and Communications the extent to which the national waste management plan continues to address the relevant issues, with particular reference to reduction, reuse and recycle; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


Local Authorities are statutorily responsible for the preparation of waste management plans.  The Regional Waste Management Planning Offices published the new National Waste Management Plan on March 1st informed by, inter alia, the National Planning Framework. The Plan sets out the required actions at local and regional levels to deliver on the Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy and includes specific targets, policies, and actions to enable the waste and resource sector to meet the circularity challenge and accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

The Plan acknowledges our success to date in achieving the various EU waste related targets but also accepts that we will face significant challenges in meeting forthcoming targets. The stated ambition of 0% total waste growth per person over the lifetime of the Plan, will, if achieved, mean that we have all taken significant steps towards achieving these targets. It will also represent an important decoupling of waste generation from economic growth.

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